Monthly Archives: June 2018

Introducing Sweet Potato!

Ah the Sweet Potato! As the name suggests these tubers are super sweet making them a kid favourite. They are relatively inexpensive and pair really well with lots of different flavors. All of these recipes are staples in my house, and the sweet potato fries are a perfect recipe for moms who are choosing to […]

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Welcome to the Veggie Challenge!

Welcome to the first month of our #lazymom veggie challenge. While working with clients, talking to friends, being a mom, there is one thing I think every parent has agreed on- feeding kids is hard! And don’t even get me started on vegetables! There are some kids will inhale every head of broccoli in sight, […]

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What Balanced Eating really Looks Like

How many times have you seen a post on Instagram or a recipe on a wellness website- about their “simple” “thrown together” lunch…..only to lose count of how many ingredients they used, the twenty stores they went to source them, from places that definitely don’t fit into your family’s weekly budget. Honestly, half the time […]

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Best Tuna Burgers

You really can’t argue with the amazingness of a good burger and fries. But sometimes a girl needs something a little bit outside the routine, and that’s where these tuna burgers come in. These are not your mama’s tuna patties, and while they can never take the place of a juicy burger, they are just […]

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Confessions of a “Lazy Mom”

For a long time I’ve run my practice thinking only as a dietitian- because really what else would I be running a practice as?? But when I think back to every suggestion I’ve made to clients, and quite frankly the things I used to do before becoming a mom sometimes I just have to laugh. […]

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